

Halfway houses are sober living facilities that must be licensed by the regulatory or governing body responsible for oversight of drug and alcohol programs in a given state or commonwealth. This is because in addition to offering supervision, structure, guidelines and amenities, they provide addiction counseling services to residents much like an inpatient drug and alcohol treatment center.


Recovery houses are the most common type of sober living home. Even so, individual Recovery Houses can vary greatly in the quality of their programs and amenities. Life as a Recovery House resident usually includes a requirement to follow set guidelines – like signing in and out of the home, being held accountable to a “house manager”, conforming to a set curfew schedule, regular drug testing and participation in scheduled “House Meetings”, where residents express praise or concern, and try work through peer conflicts and challenges.


Transitional Housing is a more recent program type in the wider addiction treatment and recovery industry. Transitional Housing programs are often designed to complement day treatment programs like Partial Hospitalization and Intensive Outpatient counseling. It is common for residents in Transitional Housing programs to be taken on scheduled community trips, participate in life-skills development workshops and holistic recovery presentations, and more.


Sober homes are another common type of sober living program. They often operate at the minimally restrictive level, with far fewer rules or guidelines than other types of sober living homes. This is because residents in sober homes have usually accumulated fairly significant periods of “time sober”, and have demonstrated a level of self-awareness, responsibility and accountability that makes a case for their capacity to self-regulate.


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The AGI House is founded on a set of core values that guide our work and inform our approach to AI. These values include: Collaboration: We know that the most ...

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We would like to express our gratitude to the pioneers of the field of artificial intelligence who have paved the way for the work we do today. We are grateful for their ...

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